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Expertly-crafted for safety, efficacy and quality.
Happiness, one drop at a time
Cannabis tinctures vs. edibles, what’s the difference?
Like edibles, cannabis tinctures are for oral consumption. However, the primary difference is that they are processed using different systems of the body. This changes the way you experience the effects of each. Cannabis edibles need to be digested and pass through both the stomach and liver, which is why it is often common for edibles to take longer to feel but once they kick in they are strong. Tinctures, on the other hand, are absorbed under the tongue and do not pass through the liver—making the onset of the effects faster yet less intense.
What makes cannabis tinctures so special?
Ease of use is often the primary reason so many people love using cannabis tinctures. Essentially,
cannabis tinctures are cannabis extracts crafted to be taken sublingually or orally under the tongue. Simply apply a few drops, and that’s it. Often, cannabis tinctures are created by soaking cannabis in a base liquid such as food-grade alcohol, oil or glycerin then steeping until all the parts of the cannabis plant have fully extracted into the liquid. Once done, the tincture is ready to dose and consume.
At Emerald Fields, we offer a variety of cannabis tinctures created using ultra-clean and potent cannabis with the highest quality ingredients from expert tincture makers we know and trust. Shop our collection of expertly-crafted cannabis tinctures.
Shop quality cannabis tinctures
Browse our selection of cannabis tinctures and place your order online for convenient in-store pick up at any of our six locations in greater Denver, Boulder, and Colorado Springs. Find your nearest Emerald Fields cannaboutique here.